Birmingham extends face covering rule to July 3, while Jefco allows entertainment venues to open

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United Way Meal Delivery Covid 19 3 Birmingham extends face covering rule to July 3, while Jefco allows entertainment venues to open
Nourish team preparing for delivery (left to right): Daniel McGill, Mary Drennen. Photo via Matthew Niblett for Bham Now

The Birmingham City Council is continuing its efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 by extending its face covering rule to July 3rd. Meanwhile, late last week the Jefferson County Department of Health let lapse its guidance that prohibited certain entertainment venues from opening.

Face Coverings Required Until July 3

13071724 10154078583342095 6306713978836462024 o Birmingham extends face covering rule to July 3, while Jefco allows entertainment venues to open
Birmingham City Hall. Photo by Pat Byington for Bham Now

Birmingham’s face covering ordinance passed by a vote of 7 to 1 at the Council’s June 9th meeting. Councilman Hunter Williams was the lone “no” vote. The extension of the rule is the fourth since it was originally passed in April. 

Birmingham remains the only major Alabama municipality to pass such a measure. In May, the Council voted to reduce the fines and eliminate the possibility of arrest to anyone not complying with the order. Presently the penalties are:

  • $25 for first offense
  • $100 for second offense
  • $250 for third offense

Here is the amended ordinance which provides a list of common-sense exceptions that include, eating at restaurants, physical activities and childcare.

Entertainment Rules Lapse

In other news concerning the COVID-19 outbreak, late last week, on June 6th, the Jefferson County Department of Health let lapse the rules preventing the opening of entertainment venues. In a statement provided by JCDH, the county is now back under the Statewide Order issued on May 21, 2020 by the State Health Officer which includes rules for entertainment venues.

The following places are allowed to open in accordance with the state’s guidance which includes limiting occupancy to 50% normal occupancy.

Venues affected by the lapse of the local order include:

  • Bowling alleys
  • Arcades
  • Concert venues
  • Theaters
  • Auditoriums
  • Performing centers
  • Tourist attractions (including museums and planetariums)
  • Race tracks
  • Commercial or public playgrounds
  • Adult entertainment venues
  • Casinos
  • Bingo halls

Any Re-openings in Birmingham?

family at BBG
Photo courtesy of Birmingham Botanical Gardens

As of Tuesday, June 9th we have discovered several entertainment reopenings, including:

Dave and Busters

Vestavia Bowl

Birmingham Botanical Gardens (Reopens June 15th)

Check the Bham Now Directory

Need more info about your favorite places reopening?  Check out Bham Now’s LOCAL Business directory and nonprofit directory. We have over 630 establishments and more are being added daily.

Pat Byington
Pat Byington

Longtime conservationist. Former Executive Director at the Alabama Environmental Council and Wild South. Publisher of the Bama Environmental News for more than 18 years. Career highlights include playing an active role in the creation of Alabama's Forever Wild program, Little River Canyon National Preserve, Dugger Mountain Wilderness, preservation of special places throughout the East through the Wilderness Society and the strengthening (making more stringent) the state of Alabama's cancer risk and mercury standards.

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