Read this Birmingham 6th grader’s heart-warming “ode to essential workers”
Reading time: 4 minutes

Essential workers are all heroes right now. They are getting up and doing their jobs despite facing so many dangers and risks—all because we need them.
A local 6th grader at Birmingham’s Highlands School wrote a poem, “An Ode to Essential Workers,” and it’s a must-read. Keep reading if you need a smile, and make sure to share this with the essential workers in your life.
Written by Aarvi Shah
Who knew
the world would
Change overnight.
Who knew
the importance
of these people.
In the garden of earth
Essential workers
being the water.
As They nourish
the plants
Known as life.
In a hospital
deserving standing ovation.
Pharmacists in Walgreens
& Cashiers of Walmart
risking their lives.
The grocer
In Publix
keeping us stocked.
The UPS guy
Becomes best friend
Delivering the package.
The statistician
Begging us
to flatten the curve.

Working overnight
So students can learn.
A nurse
Without a mask
Being savior of the world.
A Dentist
Easing the toothache
Without face shield
A Cook in restaurant
So we can
do takeout for the family
A Lab Technician
Touching the vials
To confirm the infection
A Banker
still exchanging cash (and germs)
so economy is not crashed
The Cops
Roaming the streets
Enforcing the law and keeping us safe
The Fireman
Still pulling in
An unknown driveway
The Ambulance worker
Doing CPR on someone
Who might be already infected.
The technicians
Making sure our lifelines-
The Internet and Utilities are not down
A scientist
Working overtime
To cure diseases.

A Doctor
Operating with no supply
so that pain will be no more.
An essential worker
like a God,
Protecting us,
Feeding us,
Teaching us,
Curing us.
No matter –
poor conditions,
limited supplies,
long hours.
In times of tragedy
They are
Still helping.
In times of worry
In times of stress
They are the front-liners.
Who Knew
They did
SO much
Who Knew
That without them
Our world will
Not thrive.
Becoming an
Essential Worker,
Gives Honor
And it gives
It means
Working hard.
It means
Working overtime.

When you see one
Tell them thanks
Or Give them
a virtual hug
Or in the least
Be patient
Even though without them-
Our society will not flourish,
They are still
So, this is my Ode
To all essential workers.
So, This is my Ode
To Krupamasi(aunt),
Who is Pharmacist
To Priteshkaka(uncle),
Who has a community store
To Tejalmasi(aunt),
Who is a teacher
To way too many to name uncles & aunts,
Who are doctors and surgeons

To Ms. Carly & M.A.s & Nurses & Receptionists,
Who run our clinics
To all the volunteers,
Who swab the COVID patients
To all the donors,
Who give and give and give
To all my teachers,
Who taught me how to write
To my Dad,
Who is a Surgeon
To my Mom,
Who started going to clinic to help
To all unsung Heroes,
I might have forgotten
So yes, this is
My Ode to you all!

“I am Aarvi Shah. I am 12 years old and I am 6th Grader at Highlands School. My dad is an Orthopedic Surgeon and my mom owns and manages the medical clinics. We have been discussing in our family about the effect of lockdown and what it means for people who have to work.
I was given an assignment to write Ode in my language class and for the whole last month, we have talked a lot about CoronaVirus and all things happening around us. So I asked my teacher if I could write my Ode to Essential Workers instead of a specific person. I am grateful for all the people who are working and helping the society.”