Birmingham Xpress aims to connect the metro area by 2022

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4RQZCJIA45A7ZFWYLIZYC4CD5E 2 Birmingham Xpress aims to connect the metro area by 2022
The city’s new rapid transit system will operate these buses. Photo via City of Birmingham

By 2022, the upcoming 10-mile Birmingham Xpress bus system will connect east and west Birmingham to the city center. Read on to learn more about the project!

Introducing Birmingham Xpress

Birmingham Xpress will connect 25 neighborhoods to the city center. Photo via City of Birmingham

It is no secret that Birmingham doesn’t have the best public transport in the world. However, new transit options like Via and the new vintage Prideline trolley are making the situation a little better.

The next step is a total redesign of the public transportation system.

The upcoming Birmingham Xpress will replace the MAX service that currently operates in Birmingham. The 10-mile route will connect 25 of Jefferson County’s neighborhoods between the Woodlawn and Crossplex Transit Centers.

How Does It Work?

Essentially, the new system can travel as fast as light rail, at one-third of the construction cost. Photo via City of Birmingham

The success of the project relies on two things: the buses and the route.

  • The Buses: Earlier in this year, the city purchased 15 new buses for a total of $9 million. Each new bus can hold between 40-60 passengers.
  • The Route: The route connects residents from east and west Birmingham to all of the benefits of the city center. In order to make the system efficient, the project includes dedicated bus lanes and multiple stops along the route.


The design for the Five Points West terminal. Photo via City of Birmingham

Although the City of Birmingham originally planned to start the program in time for the 2021 World Games, the project has been delayed until 2022 in order to perfect the system.

Learn more about the Birmingham Xpress.

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Nathan Watson
Nathan Watson

Senior Content Producer + Photographer

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