Celebrate Christmas in Birmingham December 6 at Samford’s Wright Center

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BC12185159 6 Celebrate Christmas in Birmingham December 6 at Samford’s Wright Center
Photo courtesy of Samford Arts

Want to get into the Christmas spirit early this year? Attend Celebrate Christmas with Samford Arts, a free public event, December 6th at the Wright Center on the campus of Samford University.

Register – HERE.

One of my Favorites

Over the past year, I attended countless events for Bham Now. The inaugural Celebrate Christmas with Samford Arts was one of my favorite events in 2018.

Here is why.

Samford Shines Bright for Christmas

First, Samford at night, all dressed up for Christmas, is a wonderful sight. Last year, my family arrived on campus a little early before the reception at the Wright Center to walk around leisurely and experience the Christmas lights and garlands decorating the grounds.

At 6:30, there was a “cookies and cider” reception (as well as one this year), on the Wright Center patio and inside the lobby. It was a fantastic time to gather round to see friends and family and meet Samford students and faculty.

A Gift to the Birmingham Community

Of course, this was all a warm up to the Celebrate Christmas production, which began at 7:30PM. Here is a video of one of the dress rehearsals in 2018.

Celebrate Christmas with Samford Arts has been described as the School of the Arts gift to the Samford and greater Birmingham communities. It truly is.

The schedule is the same as in 2018.

6:30pm – Cookies and cider reception
7:30pm – Celebrate Christmas performances

For about 90 minutes, you get to see and hear an uninterrupted performance of the Samford University Orchestra, A Cappella Choir, Gracenotes, University Chorale, and Worship Arts Ensemble alongside Samford faculty and the Samford Dance Company.

It is simply magical.

BC12185097 Celebrate Christmas in Birmingham December 6 at Samford’s Wright Center
Photo courtesy of Samford Arts

How to Acquire Tickets

Tickets are free of charge, but they are required to attend. Tickets are available at tickets.samford.edu.

Screen Shot 2019 11 26 at 8.03.16 AM Celebrate Christmas in Birmingham December 6 at Samford’s Wright Center

Highly Recommend

Please join me and my family at the 2nd annual Celebrate Christmas with Samford Arts. We highly recommend it.

Plan 2020 with Samford Arts

And don’t forget – there are numerous monthly Samford Arts programs slated for Spring 2020.

Here is a sample.


John and Marsha Floyd Art and Design Series – Featuring Pete Schulte – Jan. 21-March 6, Art Gallery


Gabrielamontero Celebrate Christmas in Birmingham December 6 at Samford’s Wright Center
Davis Architects Guest Artist Series- Gabriela Montero. Photo courtesy of Samford Arts

Davis Architects Guest Artist Series- Gabriela Montero, Piano – Co-presented with Birmingham Chamber Music Society – Feb. 4, 7:30 p.m., Brock Recital Hall

Melissa Manchester – Feb. 14, 7:30 p.m., Brock Recital Hall

Michael J. and Mary Anne Freeman Theatre and Dance Series – Dance Concert – Feb. 21-22, 7:30 p.m., Feb. 23, 2:30 p.m., Harrison Theatre

MARCH 2020

invoke copy Celebrate Christmas in Birmingham December 6 at Samford’s Wright Center
Invoke, a multi-instrumental quartet will be playing at Samford University on March 24. Photo courtesy of Samford Arts

Michael J. and Mary Anne Freeman Theatre and Dance Series – Shakespeare’s As You Like It – March 19-21, 7:30 p.m., March 22, 2:30 p.m., Harrison Theatre

Davis Architects Guest Artist Series -Invoke – Co-presented with Birmingham Chamber Music Society – March 24, 7:30 p.m., Brock Recital Hall

Destination Motown: Sensational Soul Cruisers – March 26, 7 p.m., Wright Center

APRIL 2020

Screen Shot 2019 11 26 at 7.59.17 AM Celebrate Christmas in Birmingham December 6 at Samford’s Wright Center

Dr. Chandler and Jane Paris Smith Opera Series Into the Woods – April 23-25, 7:30 p.m., April 26, 2:30 p.m., Harrison Theatre

Visit Samford.edu/arts/calendar for a full listing. Tickets.samford.edu

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Pat Byington
Pat Byington

Longtime conservationist. Former Executive Director at the Alabama Environmental Council and Wild South. Publisher of the Bama Environmental News for more than 18 years. Career highlights include playing an active role in the creation of Alabama's Forever Wild program, Little River Canyon National Preserve, Dugger Mountain Wilderness, preservation of special places throughout the East through the Wilderness Society and the strengthening (making more stringent) the state of Alabama's cancer risk and mercury standards.

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