Celebrate United Way Community Day with Birmingham Legion FC at home on September 13


Screen Shot 2019 08 30 at 6.58.02 AM Celebrate United Way Community Day with Birmingham Legion FC at home on September 13
Legion players with clients from United Ability, a United Way partner organization. Photo courtesy of United Way of Central Alabama

Want to go out for a great time and support a worthy cause?

Birmingham Legion FC has designated its next home game on Friday, September 13, 7:00pm against St. Louis F.C. at BBVA Field as United Way Community Day.

One of the hottest teams in the USL, the Legion is on an eight-game unbeaten streak, including four straight wins at home.

In celebration of United Way Community Day, a portion of the proceeds from online ticket sales to the September 13th game will go to United Way of Central Alabama when you use promo code “UWCA.”

United Way Community Day

Screen Shot 2019 08 30 at 6.57.13 AM Celebrate United Way Community Day with Birmingham Legion FC at home on September 13
United Way Partner Camp Fletcher employees, campers, and Legion players. Photo courtesy of United Way of Central Alabama

What’s United Way Community Day all about? It’s a way for the Birmingham Legion FC to say and demonstrate how glad it is to be part of this place we all call home.

The team’s intention is not for the players to simply be passing through, but to be fully integrated into everyday life in and around Birmingham. And that includes volunteering, doing good deeds to help others and making this an even better place for us all to live, learn, work and play.

According to Doug Hicks, Executive Vice President of Birmingham Legion F.C., Legion players come from eight different countries, were individually selected as much for their strength of character as for their skills on the field.

Bringing People Together for a Better Birmingham

Screen Shot 2019 08 30 at 6.57.37 AM Celebrate United Way Community Day with Birmingham Legion FC at home on September 13
Legion player greeting Red Cross (a United Way partner) client who’s home they installed a fire alarm. Photo courtesy of United Way of Central Alabama

“We wanted this club to be a face not only for what Birmingham is about but to be a source of inspiration and unity amongst the people of Birmingham,” said Hicks. “We look to be a community asset and something that can bring people together for a better Birmingham. Our guys came here because they believe in what we’re doing. They’re in your grocery stores; they’re in your churches; they’re coaching youth teams and helping out at schools. They are a part of this community.”

Legion FC is taking its outreach efforts to the next level by supporting United Way of Central Alabama.

Screen Shot 2019 08 30 at 6.56.52 AM Celebrate United Way Community Day with Birmingham Legion FC at home on September 13
Legion player signing a camper’s shirt at United Way Partner Camp Fire Alabama’s Camp Fletcher. Photo courtesy of United Way of Central Alabama

“We knew we could use some of our strengths to bring good to the community, but we didn’t necessarily have the resources to do it ourselves, so we sought out United Way.”

Legion players have visited several United Way partner agencies and directly engaged with numerous children on the field, all while planning this special event to celebrate community spirit, Living United and, hopefully, another notch in the win column for the team when it faces St. Louis on September 13th.

This Game Matters

Birmingham Legion Fans Facebook Photo Celebrate United Way Community Day with Birmingham Legion FC at home on September 13

The game is an important one for Legion FC which is in the midst of its inaugural season. As of August 30, the team is on track to make the United Soccer League (USL) playoffs and is just ahead of St. Louis in the standings.

“It’s a really important game,” concluded Hicks.. “We’re going to need all the support we can get!”

So, on Friday, September 13, at BBVA Field, Hammer Down! And Live United!

Get your tickets today. Remember to use code UWCA.

Sponsored by:

Birmingham, United Way of Central Alabama

Pat Byington
Pat Byington

Longtime conservationist. Former Executive Director at the Alabama Environmental Council and Wild South. Publisher of the Bama Environmental News for more than 18 years. Career highlights include playing an active role in the creation of Alabama's Forever Wild program, Little River Canyon National Preserve, Dugger Mountain Wilderness, preservation of special places throughout the East through the Wilderness Society and the strengthening (making more stringent) the state of Alabama's cancer risk and mercury standards.

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