5 places for new moms to get some R&R in Birmingham
Reading time: 3 minutes

Being a new mom is exhausting. As much as we love our babies, the long days and late nights can be draining.
After spending the last three nights up every hour with a sick baby, I decided to do some research on where Birmingham mamas go to get some rest. I polled a few friends on their favorite spots–below is a list of their answers.
The spa
Several Birmingham moms said they like to go to the spa to relax–no surprise there! One great option is Escape Day Spa in Homewood:

Escape Day Spa
- Where: Homewood
- Services: Body treatments and wraps, massage, mani and pedi, facials, spray tans and more
- Moms should check out: Escape’s spa packages. There are several for moms and moms-to-be!
- More info: theplacetoescape.com
The outdoors
Luckily, you don’t have to spend money at the spa to find some peace and quiet as a new mom in Birmingham. A popular option of several moms–myself included–is going for nice, long walks. This is great for those times when baby needs to come along. Some notable (stroller-friendly!) walks:

- Lakeshore Trail, Homewood
- Railroad Park, downtown Birmingham
- Rotary Trial, downtown Birmingham
- Highland Park’s parks
- Birmingham Botanical Gardens
- Patriot Park, Homewood
Jamie Cash
“One of my favorite things to do after work is to take my family for a walk down to Patriot Park and then have dinner at Pizzeria GM. The walk clears my head, and I love discussing the day with my husband and baby over a drink on the patio.”
The yoga studio

Yoga is a great way for new moms to exercise and unwind. Anna Unkenholz, mom of one, finds her zen at the Yoga Circle in Southside.
“My go-tos are doing yoga at the Yoga Circle and walking the dogs while my baby is at school! Once the JCC pool is open I’ll start going there.”
Anna Unkenholz
Birmingham has several yoga studios to check out. Here’s a link to six more!
The library

I can’t think of a much quieter place than the library! Taking the time to read a good book is always nice. We’re lucky to have many public libraries in Birmingham. Locations here.
The barn

“My little boy is just over a year old, and I’ve found that between juggling motherhood, work, and being a wife, time for myself is definitely hard to come by. However, when I get the chance to take some R&R, I like to head out to the barn and ride my horse, Charlie, at the beautiful Blackjack Farms. Spending just a few hours with Charlie helps keep me grounded and is a simple, refreshing reminder of who I am and what I enjoy most (other than being a Mom!). I think spending time with horses brings out the best in all of us!”
Lexi Blackburn
There are a lot of options for new moms to take time for self care in Birmingham. It all boils down to finding what works for you!
What do you like to do to relax? Tag us on social with your ideas @bhamnow