Behind the scenes at Birmingham’s Closets by Design, plus an amazing wrapping station that you need now
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Birmingham’s Closets by Design team works directly with customers to design, manufacture and install the organizational spaces of their dreams.
Doesn’t matter if it’s a mudroom, a garage, a Murphy bed, a pantry or something else you’ve got in mind—they do it all. And, they do all the design and manufacturing work for each of their projects in-house, at 3806 1st Ave North Birmingham.
We went behind the scenes at the showroom to see how it works, and also talked with designer Naomi Morrison about one of the team’s favorite projects: Rosa Hooper’s wrapping station.
From design to production
Closets by Design’s production manager Sidney Curtis makes everything to order. According to office manager Aly Harris, “Sidney does a good job of making sure the project makes it from the customer’s dream to their reality.”

Aly explained how it works: “Once designers get their plans in to us, the project goes first through the engineer. The engineer checks to make sure all the measurements are right. Then the project goes to Sidney.”
Sidney explained the next parts of the process: “I receive the project from our sales designers. Then I actually go over the drawings to check the details. My team manufactures the project and customizes it specifically for the customer.”

“I go over those numbers and convert them into a cut list. I always try to make the customer happy. We don’t send anything out. We do everything ourselves, including cutting from raw wood to what the customer wants. Then we make sure the installation team goes out to install the project. We oversee that part as well.”
From production to installation

Next comes the installation, which takes place in the customer’s home.
According to Aly, “We put everything together in the customer’s home to make sure everything fits. Because every project is custom, it takes from 7-10 days to go from designer to engineer to production manager to production to completion and ready to install. Some special cases can take up to three weeks.”
Customers love their closets

While most customers don’t get this behind-the-scenes look, the staff at Closets by Design hears a lot of “I really loved my closet.” Sidney explained, “some people have actually been dreaming about this for a long time.”
Rosa Hooper’s wrapping station

Don’t let the name Closets by Design fool you. These people design the most incredible spaces. One really cool one they put together was for Rosa Hooper, a local customer who wanted a multipurpose organizing space.
Designer Naomi Morrison explained: “The space was for different purposes. One space was a pantry, another for tools and measuring tape, another for mops and brooms.”
“At the same time, she wanted a gift wrapping station. Everything is very nicely organized. For her, it works well because each wall has a different purpose.

If you’re looking for someone to help you design the perfect organizational space, check out Closets by Design. You can find them at or give Aly a call at (205) 777-4000.
Designers Mandy, Karen, Dustin, and Naomi would love to help you get started designing your project. Production manager Sidney’s ready and waiting to help you turn your dream space into reality.
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