Children’s of Alabama receives check for over $50K during Buy Alabama’s Best Retail Campaign Awards luncheon

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Terry Troup PWADC Carolyn Smith Red Diamond Ben Ray Millie Rays Children's of Alabama receives check for over $50K during Buy Alabama's Best Retail Campaign Awards luncheon
Alabama retailers join together for the Buy Alabama’s Best Retail Campaign. Photo via The Lollar Group

The Buy Alabama’s Best Retail Campaign recently held an awards luncheon at The Club in Birmingham and presented a large check to Children’s of Alabama.

What is the Buy Alabama’s Best Campaign?

The purpose of the campaign is to identify and increase awareness of Alabama food products and increase sales of those products.

Alabama food product sales have a $2 billion impact on Alabama’s economy, tax base, and along with the food service industries, employ one out of every four Alabamians.

Don White Utz Golden Flake Andy Virciglio Piggly Wiggly of Jefferson County Children's of Alabama receives check for over $50K during Buy Alabama's Best Retail Campaign Awards luncheon
Photo via The Lollar Group

The luncheon brought together members of the Alabama Grocers Association, the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries and the Alabama Food Manufacturers and Producers Association. There were also many retailers and wholesalers from the state of Alabama.

Funds Raised for Pediatric Cancer

Since it originated in 2006, the campaign has strived to help in the fight against pediatric cancer. During the months of March and September 2018, a portion of sales from participating Alabama food product companies, along with retail sales of icons, were raised for the UAB Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology at Children’s of Alabama. To date, the campaign has raised $777,672.

Check Presentation Children's of Alabama receives check for over $50K during Buy Alabama's Best Retail Campaign Awards luncheon
Children’s of Alabama receives check for pediatric cancer during the Buy Alabama’s Best Retail Campaign awards luncheon. Photo via The Lollar Group

A check was presented to Dr. Frederick Goldman, MD, Director of Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation Program at Children’s of Alabama Goldman in the amount of $51,639.

“This generous donation from local Alabama businesses associated with the Alabama Grocers Association will help us meet our mission of working to cure every child with cancer,” Goldman said. “Children’s of Alabama is working to find a cure each and every day.”

Other Awards

Display Contest Winner Children's of Alabama receives check for over $50K during Buy Alabama's Best Retail Campaign Awards luncheon
Gardendale Foodland winners. Photo via The Lollar Group

Also during the luncheon, awards were presented for best retail store displays for 2018. The displays featured participating Alabama food products to help consumers identify which products are headquartered, produced or manufactured in the state of Alabama. First-place awards were given to Gardendale Foodland.

Patience Itson
Patience Itson
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