It was a ‘Super Blood Wolf Moon’ takeover in Birmingham last night – see the photos

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50323519 1033046336897416 2622096840085995520 o e1548087267460 It was a ‘Super Blood Wolf Moon’ takeover in Birmingham last night - see the photos
Photo by Barry Hamric. @Barrygoodphotos

By all accounts the ‘Super Blood Wolf Moon’ total lunar eclipse did not disappoint last night in Birmingham.

Despite temps in the mid 20s, photographers and skywatchers alike throughout the region snapped photos before and after the moon turned red during totality, which occurred at 11:12PM.

Below are photos by Bham Now readers and Birmingham residents that were posted on social media and sent to us through Facebook messenger. Many thanks for all the submissions!

This FB post by Barry Hamric, which was forwarded by several Bham Now readers, is beautiful and also accurate about the cold weather.

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Photo of the ‘Super Blood Wolf Moon’ Total Lunar Eclipse by Bham Now’s Jacob Blankenship
Screen Shot 2019 01 21 at 8.51.40 AM It was a ‘Super Blood Wolf Moon’ takeover in Birmingham last night - see the photos
Photo taken by SI Reasoning at the Oak Mountain State Park viewing
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Pre-eclipse ‘Super Blood Wolf Moon’ Total Lunar Eclipse by David Frings
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Pre-eclipse ‘Super Blood Wolf Moon’ Total Lunar Eclipse by David Frings
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‘Super Blood Wolf Moon’ Total Lunar Eclipse by David Smith of Birmingham
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Photo by Scottie Elkins posted on I Believe in Birmingham Facebook group site.


Screen Shot 2019 01 21 at 9.28.42 AM It was a ‘Super Blood Wolf Moon’ takeover in Birmingham last night - see the photos
‘Super Blood Wolf Moon’ Total Lunar Eclipse by Jeff E. Newman
Screen Shot 2019 01 21 at 10.20.19 AM It was a ‘Super Blood Wolf Moon’ takeover in Birmingham last night - see the photos
Photo by Julie Clark on top of Lookout Mountain.


Do you have photos you would like to share? Send them to .  Remember, the next total eclipse according to NASA in the U.S. will be May 26, 2021.

Pat Byington
Pat Byington

Longtime conservationist. Former Executive Director at the Alabama Environmental Council and Wild South. Publisher of the Bama Environmental News for more than 18 years. Career highlights include playing an active role in the creation of Alabama's Forever Wild program, Little River Canyon National Preserve, Dugger Mountain Wilderness, preservation of special places throughout the East through the Wilderness Society and the strengthening (making more stringent) the state of Alabama's cancer risk and mercury standards.

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