Happy Thanksgiving! See our photo gallery of Turkey Tails discovered in Birmingham’s forests
Reading time: 3 minutes

Ok, let’s face it. By the end of Thanksgiving Day 2018, after spending the entire morning and early afternoon cooking and eating, you need time to get outside and enjoy the fresh air and fall colors.
For a little Thanksgiving Day “opt-outside inspiration, Vitaly Charny, co-author of Butterflies of Alabama, has graciously provided Bham Now a collection of his photos of Turkey Tails he has found in forests around the Magic City.
What are Turkey Tails
So what are Turkey Tails?
From Wikipedia:
Trametes versicolor – also known as Coriolus versicolor and Polyporus versicolor – is a common polypore mushroom found throughout the world. Meaning ‘of several colours’, versicolor reliably describes this fungus that displays different colors. For example, because its shape and multiple colors are similar to those of a wild turkey, T. versicolor is commonly called turkey tail.
The Turkey Tails fungus is also used to support overall health and natural immunity.
One thing we do know about Turkey Tails, they are like snowflakes. They are all different from each other and beautiful.
Enjoy and thank you Vitaly!

Find more Turkey Tails
Want to find your own Turkey Tails? Last week, Bham Now published a story about places to take a hike in Birmingham. Re-visit that story, and after your Thanksgiving dinner, take a hike with family and friends.
Maybe you will see a few Turkey Tails along the trail.