It was an early afternoon of heat, sunshine and good times.
Love Is… in the chalk at Sloss Fest 2018. Photo via Patience Itson for Bham NowThe guys at Sloss Fest’s Beer Garden. Photo via Patience ItsonAviate at Sloss Fest. Photo via Patience Itson for Bham NowWill Butler performs a song after speaking about the importance of voting.Will Butler of Arcade Fire singing after speech on importance of voting. Photo via Patience Itson of Bham NowSloss Fest 2018. Photo via Jacob Blankenship of Bham NowPhoto via Kara Kennedy for Bham Now
A rain storm heads toward the festival, causing Sloss goers to be corralled under the infamous, “wait-out-the-rain bridge”.
Waiting out the rain during Sloss Fest Day 1. Photo via Patience Itson for Bham Now
Mayhem strikes as Sloss goers are evacuated from the festival due to impending bad weather. Sad, confused and angry faces all around.
Sloss Fest canceled. Fans forced to evacuate the property. Photo via Jacob Blankenship for Bham Now
After three hours of waiting out impending storms and being evacuated from Sloss Furnaces, the festival reopened its doors at 6:35p.m. The first artist to perform post-rain was Moon Taxi.
Moon Taxi performing at Sloss Fest 2018. Photo via Jacob Blankenship for Bham Now
Sloss Heads were thrilled by Moon Taxi’s performance and to finally hear music start flowing again.
Photo via Jacob Blankenship for Bham NowPhoto via Jacob Blankenship for Bham Now
Vance Joy took to the Steam Stage for a 7:30p.m. show.
Vance Joy at Sloss Fest. Photo via Patience Itson for Bham NowThe crowd at Vance Joy. Photo via Patience Itson for Bham Now
Jason Isbell takes to the Steam Stage.
Jason Isbell performing at Sloss Fest 2018. Photo via Kara Kennedy for Bham NowPhoto via Jacob Blankenship for Bham Now
Night rolls in and the love for Sloss Fest goes on.
Hearts for Sloss Fest. Photo via Jacob Blankenship for Bham Now21 Savage performing at Sloss Fest. Photo via Jacob Blankenship for Bham Now
Vic Mensa took to the Monster Energy Shed to perform 9:45 show.
Vic Mensa performing at Sloss Fest 2018. Photo via Jacob Blankenship for Bham Now
Sometimes you just need an escape at Sloss Fest’s Silent Disco.
Silent Disco fun at Sloss Fest. Photo via Jacob Blankenship for Bham Now
The last performance of the night was headliner Arcade Fire. What a show!
Arcade Fire at Sloss Fest. Photo via Patience Itson for Bham NowPhoto via Jacob Blankenship for Bham NowPhoto via Jacob Blankenship for Bham Now
Did you have fun at Day 1 of Sloss Fest 2018? Have a great time at Day 2! Bham Now will be there!