Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham needs your input on the future of transportation. Deadline is Monday, May 28.
Reading time: 2 minutes

The Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham is updating the 2045 Regional Transportation Plan. They need your input to help create a plan that will guide transportation decisions for the next 25 years. The deadline to take the survey is Monday, May 28.
Take the survey at:
What is the Regional Transportation Plan?
The RTP identifies and analyzes transportation needs within the Greater Birmingham metropolitan region (portions of the Jefferson, Shelby and St. Clair Counties). It articulates a vision for how the transportation system will be organized and function, identifies broad goals and project priorities, and considers the reality of future funding availability. The RTP identifies roadway, transit, bicycle and pedestrian, intelligent transportation systems, and other improvements needed through 2045.
The RTP is federally required to ensure coordination between local, county and state transportation systems and services.

What do you think should be Birmingham’s future transportation top priorities?
Here is a tip sheet from the Regional Planning Commission on what they are seeking:
- Determine travel demand patterns throughout the region based on existing development and projected growth
- Identify cost-effective methods and the use of emerging technology to maximize investment of limited funding sources
- Advance a more robust transit system
- Connect residents to jobs and facilitate efficient freight movement to promote and preserve the economic vitality of the region
- Recognize the need for bicycle and pedestrian travel to promote mobility choices and the overall quality of life in the region
- Reflect the vision of a diverse and vibrant community to keep a better Birmingham region moving forward