Look who we caught at Vulcan Park’s eclipse event today!
Reading time: 2 minutes
Bham Now headed over to Vulcan Park to check out the eclipse viewing. The parking lot was full and the park was sold out of viewing glasses, but that didn’t stop us from having a great time. Take a look at our gallery to see who we ran into.
Locals were quick to offer their glasses for a quick view to anyone (like me) walking around without any. That makes you proud to be in Birmingham!
This happy couple got engaged at the foot of Vulcan during the eclipse. Cheers rang out for Jeffrey Payne and Baylie Kizziah. Watch what they had to say about the timing of their engagement.
A birthday celebration was going on under the big oak tree. And, the weather was just perfect. This eclipse thing helped to cool off a hot August day in Birmingham.
Sharron Pope and Cerita Tucker-Smith were taking advantage of this unique time and perfect day together.
Timothy Stone was kind enough to send Bham Now these gorgeous shots he took using a $15.00 viewer/camera from Walmart. (Note to self to look for these 28 years from now at the next coast to coast eclipse).

No celebration is complete without a drone. Peter Allsopp was making sure that the crowd at Vulcan Park was captured from above. We look forward to seeing the footage.
How did you celebrate? Did you have special pictures you’d like to share? Send them to photos@bhamnow.com. We’ll do this again in 2045!