We Birmingham women are not known for being shy, despite our sweet, southern reputation. Some, including Republicans and Democrats alike, are stepping out (literally) for their voice to be heard, on how they think women should be treated.
Carole Griffin, Meg McGlamery and Mindy Santo share a table and smiles at the sign-making party.
Local women who are headed to the Women’s March On Washington on January 21st met at Saturn Saturday afternoon to make signs for the protest. Under a colorful parachute, paint, glue and glitter were crafted into messages from the heart…messages of concern about women and minorities.
Three women explain in their own words, their motivations for marching, their expectations, and how they’ll get to the Washington, D.C. event.
Monica Crews crocheting hats for the march.
Monica Crews, “When the march was announced just days after the election, I signed up right away. I didn’t know how I was going to work it out , I just knew I was going. I felt so discouraged and helpless after the election. I want the incoming administration to know that we will stand together in solidarity for social justice, and human rights issues of race, gender, ethnicity, immigration and health care. We will stand together as a force that can’t be ignored. I am flying to Virginia and will be staying with a friend. We will be taking a bus to D.C. on the day of the march.”
Scores of people gathered at Saturn in Avondale Saturday afternoon for a protest sign-making party.
Mindy Santo, foreground, shares a table with Meg McGlamery, Carole Griffin and Monica Crews.
When asked why she decided to go to Washington, Mindy Santo replied, “Gut instinct. In my work, I empower women, so this felt like the right thing to do. I’m looking forward to being in a group of like minded people, marching, conversing, and being in solidarity. No concerns about the event. The organizers have crossed every t, and dotted the i’s. I’m good! My travel will be in a bus departing Birmingham at 6 on Friday, march Saturday, then back on the bus for the electric filled ride home, arriving Sunday..”
Meg McGlamery works on her sign, advocating for survivors of sexual violence.
Meg McGlamery, “I am marching with my best friend. We are driving together and staying with friends in D.C. One reason I am marching is for victims and survivors of sexual violence. So many people affected by this crime are scared to come forward to report or get help. I march with love for each person, as I want people to be safe and free to use their voice when they feel ready- never to be silenced, shut down, or judged. I am marching in memory of my grandmother, Margaret Carney. She taught me to use my voice.”
Carole Griffin colors in her Women’s March on Washington sign.