Help powerful transformations happen at The Foundry—show your support today

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The Foundry baptism
Life transformation is marked through baptism. (The Foundry)

Lives are impacted daily at The Foundry Ministries, and we’re here to tell you about two local graduates, Brent and Tonya, who are proof of that change.

These powerful transformations would not be possible without the support of Birmingham community members, volunteers and donors. Keep reading to learn these graduates’ stories and find out how you can help this Giving Tuesday.

Meet Brent, who reconnected with God + found The Foundry

Brent, The Foundry Ministries
Brent graduated in June 2023. (The Foundry)

With his father being deployed throughout many of his teenage years and his mother working full-time, Brent spoke on how he was looking for acceptance and befriended a group who were using and selling drugs.

This longing continued into Brent’s adulthood and two years ago, he lost his job because of his drug use. Brent thought he had lost everything and turned his back on God.

“Finally, I told God, ‘Hey, if you’re going to keep waking me up and if I’m going to continue to be here, then show me what life is all about.”

After this, Brent’s life began to turn around. His sister brought him to The Foundry a month after his call out to God.

“The people here—the way they treat you and love you—is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. That’s one of the things that really kept me here.”

Brent is one of many whose lives have been forever changed because of the work this local ministry is doing.

Learn more about how The Foundry’s programs help people seeking recovery in the Greater Birmingham Area.

Tonya owes her recovery to the Women’s program

Tonya, The Foundry graduate
Tonya graduated from the Women’s Program (The Foundry)

Tonya and countless others have spoken about how each participant and supporter in the Women’s Program have shown support through the recovery process.

Tonya’s addiction began at the age of 12 when she started drinking to fit in. It soon led to dire consequences including jail and almost dying.

Tonya spoke on how her son, a graduate of The Foundry six years prior, stepped in to offer help.

“If it weren’t for the staff and volunteers of the program speaking life into me, I would certainly have died. I truly believe that. The program taught me the truth of who I am, my purpose on Earth and the grace of God.”

Touching on this support given from volunteers and mentors, Tonya spoke on how their service played a big role in her recovery journey.

“The volunteers would bring dinners and encourage us. I missed being with my family, but the volunteers that came made me feel connected and it was like having another family cheering me on—praying for me and my journey. It was like having someone else in your corner. That was huge!”

Help support participants like Tonya by giving to The Foundry’s mission today.

Changing lives at The Foundry is a community effort

The Foundry women praying
It takes a village to support recovery growth. (The Foundry)

Community partners have shown support for The Foundry’s mission in many ways. Whether through donating their time or money, The Foundry would not be able to change lives without community support.

“We rely on the generosity of donors at the end of the year to help our organization finish strong. With year-end support, we catch up from shortfalls, but more importantly, we are able to position ourselves for a great start in the new year.

Year-end giving helps ensure we are able to provide the very best services for the men and women in our care.” 

Micah Andrews, CEO, The Foundry Ministries

Here are just a few ways partners and volunteers have helped:

  • Built a chapel
  • Continuously prayed for life change
  • Fed participants
  • Paid for a new resource center
  • Painted walls

“I think anyone who is giving it 100% has a natural desire to want to give back and continue to help. And that’s something I definitely seek to do. So many good things can happen in your life if you give it all to God.”

Brent, graduate, The Foundry Ministries

Support The Foundry this Giving Tuesday

Life transformations happen daily at The Foundry, but it’s because of the Greater Birmingham community’s continued kindness and encouragement that participants leave the program eager to serve others the same way they have been served.

Giving Tuesday is Tuesday, November 28 and positioned during the holiday season, it’s the perfect time to support a local organization.

You can give to The Foundry in many ways, including:

“Just knowing how much they cared about my life made me want to make them proud. Because they volunteer so selflessly, I want them to know it is not in vain. They are truly an inspiration to me. I want to be able to do what they do one day.”

Tonya, graduate, The Foundry Ministries

Show your support this Giving Tuesday (November 28) by donating.

Learn more about The Foundry Ministries and the life-changing work they do by visiting their websiteFacebook or Instagram.

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Callie Morrison
Callie Morrison
Articles: 359