1MillionCups Bham Presentation – “yallinvest”

Weekly, local entrepreneurs gather together at the UABiLab to hear from aspiring startup founders with an idea they need help shaping.

Next up: Bay Shaffer, Director of Startup Grind Bham, has an idea for smarter investing – “yallinvest”

IMG 0718 1MillionCups Bham Presentation - "yallinvest"

What is “yallinvest”

Every idea is rooted from a problem either the creator or other people are experiencing.

The problem with investing in small startups is the potential for legal ramifications you can run into later down the road.

For instance, if the aunt of a founder gives $1,000 of seed money at the very beginning of a start-up, with no paper work defining ownership share or expected return, problems can creep up later on.  If the business becomes very successful, it can lead to lawsuits within families or between friends.

What is the solution?
  • Allow potential investors to educate themselves

“empowering investors with world class investment education.”

Bay Shaffer

  • Save people time by the self taught model on the app.
  • Users will have fun with interactive games
What does “yallinvest” offer?

Why should people use this app?

“because knowledge is power and with that you can invest smarter.

When you invest smarter you can get a larger return on your investment.”

– Bay Shaffer

1MillionCups Birmingham is here for the sole purpose of exposing early stage startups or ideas to those who have been successful in the startup eco-system.

If you have an idea or viable business model, click this link to learn more about how to get the word out through 1MillionCupsBham

Wade Cline
Wade Cline

Marketing Producer at Bham Now, Tech Junkie, Foodie, Bham Lover, Movie Snob, Wannabe Quantum Physicist. You can likely find me either at Trim Tab Brewing or O'henry's Coffee in Homewood.

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